  Online Booking
 (204) 724-0005

Online Booking Made Easy!

How does it work?

Simply fill out your contact information in the form below, choose a fertilizer and weed control program, add on a service if you want and hit Book Online Now!. We manually review every booking within 1-2 days, afterwards you'll receive a confirmation email and an invoice will be sent within the next few weeks. You can decide to pay right away or at the end of the season, but keep in mind that you will receive 10% off any Fertilizer and Weed Control Program if you pay before May 15th!

Step 1: Contact Information

Step 2: Choose a Fertilizer and Weed Control Program

The Starter Program consists of 1 application of fertilizer and weed control, applications are done in the Spring unless otherwise requested but can be done any time of year.

The Economy Program consists of 2 applications of fertilizer and weed control, applications are done in the Spring and Late Summer.

The Regular Program consists of 3 applications of fertilizer and weed control, applications are done in the Spring, Summer and Fall.

The Premium Program consists of 4 applications of fertilizer and weed control, applications are done in the Spring, Early Summer, Late Summer and Fall.

Complete control of grasses and weeds on driveways, rock beds and walkways. Applications are done during regular visits.

Step 3: Add on a service (optional)

The single best way to improve the health of your lawn. Increases nutrient uptake, drainage, disease resistance and compaction. Currently SOLD OUT of Spring Aerations!

Prepares your system for winter and removes any residual water using compressed air. Crucial in preventing burst lines.

Step 4: Additional Instructions or Comments (optional)

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*Prices based on lawns up to 4000 sq. ft. and do not include GST. Spring clean-ups, core aerations and fall sprinkler blow-outs must be purchased with a fertilizer and weed control package.